For the third year, the Fredrikstad Animation Festival presents its Animated Live concept. This year, the Finnish Sámi artist Ánnámáret in collaboration with the visual artist and animator Marja Viitahuhta presents a concert with live music and video art. Their film Flames may be familiar to previous festival audiences, as it was screened at the opening of FAF 2021.
Ánnámáret is Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman, Sámi musician who lives and whose work is based in Nuorgam, northernmost Finland. Her music is inspired by life and nature in Sápmi. Ánnámáret’s strength as an artist springs from having grown up between two cultures and, thus, understanding these cultures and their collisions and similarities.
Ánnámáret’s band combines indigenous Sámi vocal music yoik to the ancient sound of Finnish bowed lyre jouhikko, played by Ilkka Heinonen, and organic live electronics, played by Turkka Inkilä. The music gains influence from both the rich tradition of yoik and the vibrant Sámi culture and Arctic nature, by taking to intensely experiential worlds by means of music and images. The concert is accompanied by Marja Viitahuhta’s video art based on Ánnámáret’s innermost visions and ideas in her joiks.
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