Bálvvosbáiki live entity premieres in May 2024
Ánnámáret working groups Bálvvosbáiki live entity premieres in the Music House, Helsinki on 30th of May 2024. Bálvvosbáiki (Worship) is a concert with Sámi yoik, electronic music, Carelian bowed lyre jouhikko and video art. Sámi artist Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman gives herself up to the world of the yoik (luohti in the Northern Sámi language) through yoiking from her own point of view together with the working group.
Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman, Ánnámáret. Photo credits Marja Viitahuhta
Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman's luohti compositions in the concert reflect on how the Sámi world view is expressed in this time. Are the Sámi ancient female gods Sáráhkka, Juhksáhkka and Uksáhkka still present? Is the power of the sieidi, the sacred place, strengthened by yoiking? What does the overgenerational grief feel like? The themes of the Bálvvosbáiki concert are familiar in Sámi culture, both historically and today.
The entity has been co-created by a multi-artistic working group, in which Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman is joined by Turkka Inkilä - electronics, Ilkka Heinonen – Carelian bowed lyre jouhikko and Marja Viitahuhta - video art.
Thursday 30th fo May 2024 at 7 pm
Black Box, Music House, Helsinki
The creation of the Bálvvosbáiki entity is supported by the Kone Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Avek and Sámi Cultural Centre Sajos.
The concert is the second artistic component of Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman's doctoral project at the Sibelius Academy of the University of Arts Helsinki.
More information: https://www.uniarts.fi/tapahtumat/anna-nakkalajarvi-lansman-balvvosbaiki/