Ánnámáret´s Nieguid duovdagat is the folk record of the year 2021
This year's folk music album 2021 in Finland has been nominated and this time the prize goes to Ánnámáret with the album Nieguid duovdagat.
The winner is chosen after a vote by the audience and an expert council consisting of people who actively follow the folk music. A total of 253 votes were cast and 29 of them were by professionals in folk music.
Ánnámáret or Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman as she is called in the civil service released her third album last year, Nieguid duovdagat. The whole is based on a rich yoik tradition that is based on the culture, nature and everyday life in Sápmi, the land of the Sámi people.
The album combines new and old with courage, but retains the traditional character of yoik.
More information: https://kansanmusiikkiliitto.fi/vuoden-kansanmusiikkilevy-2021/