Ánnámáret - Nieguid duovdagat Tallinn Music Week Folktronica Stage

Ánnámáret is happy to be part of Folktronica Stage in Tallinn Music Week this year with the Nieguid duovdagat - Dreamscapes entity. The Folktronica Stage is curated by the band OOPUS. This is a showcase where cross-genre and -medium artists combine traditions with modern potentiality. Old folk tunes were primarily meant for working and dancing, but modern dance music is electronic. Folktronica Stage presents the future of folk, offering an exciting experience for all the senses.

Saturday 2.10.2021 at 18:30-02:00


19:00 Ken Kuusk

20:00 GG Gulaygorod

21:00 Mehehe

22:00 Puuluup

23:00 Ánnámáret 

00:00 OOPUS

01:00 Oligarkh

More information: https://tmw.ee/events/tmw-2021-folktronica-stage

Saami Artist Council has supported Ánnámáret´s participation to Tallinn Music Week.